A Christmas Message from Archbishop Schnurr

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In its very essence, Christmas is a family affair. At Christmastime, we gather together to celebrate God becoming part of the human family.  In the fullness of time, the Eternal, the Almighty, the Creator of all, humbled Himself and joined our human family, never to be parted from us.

His reason for doing so is simple:  He loves us.  He wants to be with us always.  From that first Christmas to this day, Christ Jesus has been among us.  He came to us first in the manger, and He comes to us today in the Mass, in His Word and in the Eucharist.

Through the blessing of the Incarnation, the love and support of our earthly family extends beyond Christmas day, permeating every day of our life.  So, too, does Christ’s love for us. His love is constant, unconditional, eternal.

This Christmas, I encourage you to share the love of Christ that you have received with other members of our common human family.  Be alert and vigilant, and God will show you where His love is needed most.  You will find that as you give love away, that original gift of love from God is magnified.

May Christ’s love multiply in your heart and home, and then radiate to all the world.  And may your family know Christ’s presence and peace at Christmas and throughout the coming Year.

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