The Southeast Region St Mary Deanery Catholic Rural Life is co-sponsoring the annual Buy Local Foods Seminar on Sunday, February 16, 2025, 1:30-4:30 PM at St George Church, Georgetown, Ohio. The day includes the keynote “Know Your Farmers Better”, featuring a panel of local regional farmers who will discuss the needs, concerns and benefits to the local community; a presentation on Hot Topics in agriculture today, and opportunity for all to visit table displays representing producers and local organizations. All are welcome. Pre-registration is not required but appreciated. There is no charge, but donations are welcome. For questions or preregistration contact Patrick Hornschemeier 513-752-0647-Chair of Catholic Rural Life or Sr Chris Pratt
513-407-3006-Catholic Social Action Office.
Other co-sponsors are OSU Extension, Brown County, Adams-Brown Community Action Partnership and the Adams-Brown Diabetes Education Coalition