Liturgical Considerations in the time between the Appointment and Installation of Archbishop Casey

Liturgical Considerations in the time between the Appointment and Installation of Archbishop Casey

In this time between the acceptance of the resignation of Archbishop Schnurr and the installation of Archbishop-designate Casey, the See of Cincinnati is considered vacant, even though Archbishop Schnurr has been appointed as Apostolic Administrator. Please note the following liturgical guidance:

Eucharistic Prayer

  • Until Archbishop-designate Casey officially takes possession of the archdiocese as part of his rite of installation, he should NOT be named in the Eucharistic Prayer (cf. Ceremonial of Bishops 1147)
  • Because Archbishop Schnurr has been named apostolic administrator, he should continue to be named in the Eucharistic Prayer until Archbishop Casey is installed. (cf. General Instruction of the Roman Missal 149 and USCCB BCDW Newsletter 2013 March)
    • The proper formulation remains “and Dennis, our bishop”, without any addition of “emeritus” or “administrator” or any other added words.

Mass Formularies

  • On days when Masses for Various Needs and Occasions are permitted, the following Mass formularies from The Roman Missal, I. For Holy Church could be used:
    • 1. For the Church, E: For the Particular Church
    • 8. For Ministers of the Church
  • The following formularies should not be used:
    • 3. For the Bishop
    • 4. For the Election of a Bishop

Universal Prayer

  • Archbishop Casey and Archbishop Schnurr and the archdiocese generally can be prayed for in the Universal Prayer at any Mass, using this or a similar intention:
    • “For Archbishop-designate Robert Casey, chosen by Pope Francis to be the new Archbishop of Cincinnati, that guided by the Holy Spirit, may he lead the faithful of our archdiocese on their journey of faith and for Archbishop Dennis Schnurr, that in his retirement he may find peace, fulfillment, and health to continue in his priestly ministry, let us pray to the Lord…”

With any questions or concerns, please contact the Office for Divine Worship & Sacraments, 513.263.6609

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