Christmas for the Preborn, a one-hour ceremony of song and prayer, fellowship, hot apple cider, and cookies, which commemorates the lives of preborn babies lost through elective abortion, is held each year, during the Advent season in front of the Women’s Med Center abortion mill at 1401 East Stroop Road in Kettering.
In addition, we celebrate life with gifts, which are distributed to local women’s resource and support centers. Each year we ask people to donate disposable diapers – sizes 4, 5 and 6 – and baby wipes as gifts. We estimate that local support centers distribute over 100,000 diapers a year, and demand keeps growing. These centers do a marvelous job for women in crisis situations and provide a variety of services, including free pregnancy tests, counseling, maternity and baby clothing, post-abortion support, ultrasounds, support classes, parent training, referrals for community resources, and medical and social services. They rely on private donations and deserve all the support we can give them.