Rosary for Life

Women's Med Center 1401 E. Stroop Road, Kettering, OH

Prayer, Praise & Scripture, Wednesdays at 11 AM Rosary every Wednesday at 12 Noon Rosary every Saturday at 9:20 AM

Multilingual Learners Summit – Audience: Teachers, Administrators

Hamilton County ESC 11083 Hamilton Avenue, Cincinnati, OH

Promote a positive mindset amongst educators by setting the tone for assets-based learning for English Learners. Empower educators to implement practices that promote equity and inclusion by providing tools and strategies to ensure success for English Learners from an assets-based approach. Encourage collaboration between teachers, school teams, and districts and promote Best Practices in the […]

Walking With Moms In Need Toledo Zoom Call

Join us on Wednesday June 5th at 7pm for a Zoom call with parish leaders from the Diocese of Toledo who have been running Walking with Moms in Need for over a year.   During this meeting, they will discuss how WWMIN was started in their parish and what they are doing specifically to serve […]

MTSS Summit – Audience: Administrators, Educators in grades K-12, Intervention Specialists, MTSS Coordinators and Coaches

Hamilton County ESC 11083 Hamilton Avenue, Cincinnati, OH

Explore best practices for MTSS. Analyze components of existing MTSS plans. Develop a common understanding around high quality instructional practices included in an MTSS framework. Important Session Information: Steve Goodman, Ph.D., will keynote this one-day event. Dr. Goodman is a partner with the Center of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports and a co-investigator with the […]

MTSS with Dr. Steve Goodman

Hamilton County ESC 11083 Hamilton Avenue, Cincinnati, OH

Steve Goodman, Ph.D., will keynote the MTSS Summit. Dr. Goodman is a partner with the Center of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports and a co-investigator with the Integrated MTSS Research Network. He was the previous director of Michigan’s MTSS Technical Assistance Center. He serves on state, national, and international advisory boards for the implementation of […]

Ember Day – June 7

Mt. St. Mary's Seminary 6616 Beechmont Ave., Cincinnati, OH, United States

The seminarians of the Archdiocese are hosting two Ember Day activities for men entering sophomore year of high to those who graduated from high school this year (2024). The day will include prayer, sports, activities and food. It’s an opportunity for high school boys to meet the seminarians and learn more about the faith. In […]


Saturday Pro-Life Mass & Prayer Vigil

Holy Name Catholic Church 2448 Auburn Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio

Mass at 8:00 a.m. every Saturday at Holy Name Church on Auburn Avenue, followed by prayer vigil in front of Planned Parenthood.  For more info, contact John Wendeln at 513-218-1938.

Ember Day – June 8

Sacred Heart of Jesus (McCartyville) 9377 State Route 119W, Anna,, OH, United States

The seminarians of the Archdiocese are hosting two Ember Day activities for men entering sophomore year of high to those who graduated from high school this year (2024). The day will include prayer, sports, activities and food. It’s an opportunity for high school boys to meet the seminarians and learn more about the faith. In […]


Rosary for Life

Women's Med Center 1401 E. Stroop Road, Kettering, OH

Prayer, Praise & Scripture, Wednesdays at 11 AM Rosary every Wednesday at 12 Noon Rosary every Saturday at 9:20 AM

Literacy Academy

Hyatt Regency in Columbus 350 N. High Street, Columbus, OH, United States

he 2024 ReadOhio Literacy Academy will take place June 10-11, 2024 at the Hyatt Regency in downtown Columbus. The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce's Literacy Academy will be held June 10-11, 2024 in Columbus! The seventh annual Literacy Academy will provide professional learning to support the use of evidence-based language and literacy practices. This event is intended for Ohio districts, schools and early childhood education programs working toward raising literacy achievement. There are no registration fees to attend this event. Participants will engage in sessions on emergent, early and conventional, and adolescent literacy instruction aligned to the science of reading and Ohio’s Plan to Raise Literacy Achievement. Participants are encouraged take back the information and develop further learning for their organization through more sustained, intensive, and collaborative professional learning. June 10-11, 2024 Highlights: 45+ Breakout Sessions Networking and Poster Sessions Free Event Hosted by The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce Full Agenda (Click here) REGISTER

Virtual Reading Comprehension Conference


Preparing students to master the standards for reading comprehension requires explicit, skill-based instruction. During the 2-day virtual CompCON event, you’ll gain the methods, materials, and motivation you need to take your skill-based comprehension instruction from good to great. Learn Gain classroom-tested guidance on how to lead standards-based reading comprehension mini-lessons using strategies that are explicit and engaging. Plan […]

CompCON – Virtual Event


Virtual Reading Comprehension Conference Preparing students to master the standards for reading comprehension requires explicit, skill-based instruction. During the 2-day virtual CompCON event, you’ll gain the methods, materials, and motivation you need to take your skill-based comprehension instruction from good to great. Learn Gain classroom-tested guidance on how to lead standards-based reading comprehension mini-lessons using […]