Catholic Identity Resources
Graded Course of Study
The Graded Course of Study is a systematic organization of teaching content designed to foster effectiveness, focus, and authenticity in religious instruction. Click here for the Anchor Standards, Strands, and Benchmarks by individual grade level.
ACRE Testing
The National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) has created the Information for Growth (IFG) program Assessment of Child/Youth Religious Education (ACRE) as a tool to help Catholic schools and parishes assess how well their religious education programs are forming committed Christian disciples. Click here for details on how to administer the IFG ACRE assessment.
ARK Testing
ARK (Assessment of Religious Knowledge) is the first comprehensive assessment of Catholic Religious Education in grades 2-12. The Archdiocese of Cincinnati has permitted the ARK in Catholic Schools.
ARK Features:
- Individual reporting to see change over time and see unique needs
- Aggregate data to see trending and general success
- Annual data normalization for national comparison
- Easy rostering and administration to allow you to focus on teaching
Permissions and Liability Forms
Click here for the permission slips and forms needed for off-site activities.