Home > Offices > Center for the New Evangelization > Vocare > Vocare Grant Request Form
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A one-time Archdiocesan grant is available for Parish Catechists to help them participate in the Vocare certification process. Thanks to the generosity of donors to the One Hope One Faith One Love Capital Campaign, the Archdiocese of Cincinnati is helping with the cost of launching Vocare in parishes. This grant is to be requested by Catechetical Leaders, Pastors, or Vocare Administrators on behalf of parish catechists.
Vocare Certification for parish catechists begins with the introductory Call 1: Foundations course. The Grant pays the full cost of this 4-lesson course. The grant is issued in the form of a coupon code to be used at the time of purchase. The parish Catechetical Leader or the designated Vocare Administrator for the parish completes the form below. The Office for Evangelization and Discipleship will grant requests based on the information provided and the remaining available funds.
Use the coupon code soon after issuance. If for some reason you do not use a grant coupon, please alert Vocare Support so it can be used for a different parish.
Vocare – Grant Request Form
Approval form to receive credit within Vocare