

About our office

The chancery, on behalf of the archbishop, expedites canonical matters; collects and preserves parish records; assists parishes and priests with civil law matters; maintains files on priests and parishes; and provides information on the church or directs inquirers to appropriate sources.

Letter of Suitability

When an Archdiocese of Cincinnati incardinated priest will be providing priestly ministry outside the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, a letter of suitability is required.  The letter is generally sent to the Chancery Office of the (arch)diocese where you will be providing the ministry as well as a copy sent to the parish/institution itself.  These letters are postal mailed, so advanced notice is needed and very much appreciated.  We can provide letters up to 6 months in advance of your requested date(s).
Wedding Architecture


Downloadable documents provided by the Chancery office

Chancery Decrees

TitleDescriptionDate addedDownload
Decree Designating Sacred Jubilee Sitesfor the period of the ORDINARY JUBILEE of the YEAR 202512-04-2024 DownloadPreview
Decree of the Closure of Mother of Christ Pastoral CenterDecree effective: January 1, 202511-25-2024 DownloadPreview
Decree of the Relegation to Profane but Non-Sordid Use of the Oratory at Mother of Christ Pastoral CenterDecree effective: January 1, 202511-25-2024 DownloadPreview
Amalgamation of Champaign County ParishesDecree effective: November 1, 202409-09-2024 DownloadPreview
Decree Uniting Saint Augustine DeaneriesDecree effective: July 1, 202406-20-2024 DownloadPreview
Decree Uniting Emmanuel DeaneriesDecree effective: July 1, 202406-20-2024 DownloadPreview
Merger - Holy Face of Jesus ParishDecree effective 07-01-2024; Family NW-403-25-2024 DownloadPreview
Decree of Amalgamation of Saint Aloysius, Saint Francis, Saint Bernard, and Saint Wendelin Parishes into Saint Henry ParishDecree effective 01-01-2024: Family NW-312-01-2023 DownloadPreview
Decree of Amalgamation of Saint Matthias Parish into Our Lady of the Rosary ParishDecree effective 09-01-2023; Family S408-01-2023 DownloadPreview
Decree Relegating Saint Matthias Church to Profane but not Sordid UseDecree effective 09-01-2023; Family S408-01-2023 DownloadPreview

Staff Directory

Fr Jason Williams

Rev. Jason A. Williams

Chancellor and Master of Ceremonies

Lisa J. Weber

Executive Assistant to the Chancellor

office phone / fax

Phone: (513) 263-3342
Fax: (513) 421-6225

Contact Us

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