Application Guidelines

Who can apply for admittance to the Deacon Formation Program?

Some requirements include:

  • Be a resident of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and a Catholic male in good standing in the Catholic Church and fully initiated in the faith and, if a neophyte, must have lived the faith for three years prior to application.
  • Be at least 35 but not more than 69 years of age at the time of ordination.
  • May be either single or married.  If single at the time of ordination the candidate will make a promise to remain celibate for the rest of his life.  If married the applicant must be able to give evidence of being in a stable and growing marriage relationship, and his wife must be willing to support her husband actively through formation and ministry;
  • If divorced and remarried, have obtained a declaration of nullity or a canonical dissolution of the prior marriage.  If more than one declaration of nullity (including lack of form cases) or canonical dissolution of the marriage is needed (for husband & wife), the man may not be considered for the diaconate.  If a man marries civilly prior to having obtained a declaration of nullity or a canonical dissolution of the prior marriage, he may not be considered for the diaconate.
  • Never have procured or helped another person procure an effective abortion.
  • Never have undergone an effective vasectomy nor will the applicant’s wife have undergone an effective tubal ligation.
  • Never have been involved in any activity that would be unbecoming to the clerical state or that would bring scandal to the Church.
  • Be keeping the needs of his family as a priority;
  • Be at least a high school graduate and be able to complete the academic requirements of the formation program;
  • Be physically, psychologically and emotionally sound and be able to function without the need for constant support or counseling;
  • Have demonstrated ability and a willingness to minister to the needs of fellow parishioners and to the wider community;
  • Have completed at least 5 of the required courses in the LPMP (or its equivalent);
  • Be endorsed by his present pastor and parish pastoral council;
  • He will minimally have completed the theological and ministerial requirements for obtaining a certificate in lay ministry.  (Education is evaluated on an individual case basis).