Series Overview

Called to Radiate Christ


An overview that shows how the journey to discipleship incorporates formation and ministry via love in action (service), stewardship (steward), and evangelization (witness), all rooted in the foundation of the Eucharist. This is formed and fostered by a vital parish life and introduce the interrelated principles of Stewardship, LIA, Evangelization and relates to Parish Family Culture.

To facilitate this session:

  • Print off the necessary number of handouts ahead of time
  • Play the video below for your group, pausing when the video indicates, to share the appropriate handout and/or work with one another. 
Play Video


ACTS 2:42-47

10 Minutes

Read through together. Share at tables.

They devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles and to the communal life, to the breaking of the bread and to the prayers. Awe came upon everyone, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles. All who believed were together and had all things in common; they would sell their property and possessions and divide them among all according to each one’s need. Every day they devoted themselves to meeting together in the temple area and to breaking bread in their homes. They ate their meals with exultation and sincerity of heart, praising God and enjoying favor with all the people. And every day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved.


What Is A Disciple?

15 Minutes

Brant James Pitre is an American New Testament scholar and Distinguished Research Professor of Scripture at the Augustine Institute. He has written extensively on the historical Jesus, the Virgin Mary, Paul the Apostle, the origin of the Eucharist, and the canonical Gospels. You may have seen him in videos on Formed or read his book “Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist.” Let’s listen as he shares what is a disciple.

Play Video


How am I A Disciple?

25 Minutes

Now it is time to reflect and pray about your own spiritual journey to be a disciple radiating Christ. Review this handout for about 5 minutes, feel free to make notes on where you are in each of these Habits of a Disciple.

Review alone for 5 minutes then pair up and discuss with a partner for 5 minutes each.

Review alone for 5 minutes then pair up and discuss with a partner for 5 minutes each.

Please keep this handout to refer to throughout all of the Disciples Radiate Christ series.


Disciples Radiate Christ

5 Minutes

All of us are called by Christ to be his disciples. As disciples, we are called to live life as he did, with a sacrificial love for others, lived out through holiness, service, stewardship, and witness. When we do this, we Radiate Christ to a world that needs him!

So how do we do that? Please continue through the next three sessions of Disciples Radiate Christ:

  • Disciples Witness
  • Disciples Steward
  • Disciples Serve

You can do these three sessions in any order and then there is a short summary session after you complete all four.

Disciples Radiate Christ
Next Sessions

Disciples Witness

1 Hour


An overview of Evangelization as individuals and as a Family of Parishes. Focusing on pre-evangelization, the session would share how calling others to the faith starts with a personal witness through friendship, listening, and accompaniment. This in turn further forms us as disciples who are good stewards and servants of others.

Disciples Steward

1 Hour


An overview of Stewardship as individuals and as a Family of Parishes.  Understanding that good stewardship is both an expression of discipleship and also forms us as disciples who share their faith and serve others.

Disciples Serve

1 Hour


An overview of the spirituality of service and how Love in Action forms us as disciples while witnessing to the love of Christ and his church, especially the poor and marginalized.  Understanding how disciples who serve are also good stewards living out and sharing their faith.

Radiate Christ