Global Solidarity

Solidarity is wanting for your brothers and sisters what you want for yourself…
and taking actions to make that happen.

The U.S. Bishops sent to all Catholic parishes a challenge to become engaged in global solidarity:  “We are members of a universal Church that transcends national boundaries and calls us to live in solidarity and justice with the peoples of the world.  We are also citizens of a powerful democracy with enormous influence beyond our borders.  As Catholics and Americans we are uniquely called to global solidarity.”
Called to Global Solidarity, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops 1997

In a commitment of solidarity, we work earnestly to bridge the cultural differences and social injustices that exist between us and our brothers and sisters here in the U.S. and beyond our borders. This complex task involves bringing together diverse members of our faith, gaining greater understanding and love for each other, and celebrating our oneness in the Body of Christ.  A knowledge of Catholic Social Teaching is important to understanding and practicing solidarity (see link below)

Global Solidarity