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GIVING REsources
Online Giving Options & Resources
The vendor to choose for online giving is up to each parish, but we would like to offer some resources and places to start if you do not have online giving setup already. The link below provides a one-page information sheet with online giving options and a few parishes that use each of the vendors. This list is not meant to be exhaustive nor are they an official endorsement of the Archdiocese of any of these products or services.

End-of-Year Giving Resources
Webinar: A Year-end Giving Plan for Your Parish
Presented by Prenger Solutions Group (consulting firm)
Click here to view the Webinar & Additional Resources
Resource: Sample Year-end Timeline of Activities
Nearly 1/3 (31%) of all charitable giving takes place in the month of December!

Sample Bulletin Announcements
Support the Parish with an IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD)
Donors age 70½ or older may qualify to make a charitable gift directly from an IRA to INSERT PARISH NAME.
A Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) is a direct transfer of funds from your IRA custodian, payable to a qualified charity, such as our parish. As long as certain requirements are met, QCDs can fulfill your required minimum distribution (RMD), avoid paying income tax on the distribution, and provide a significant gift to support the work and mission of our parish.
A few points when considering an IRA QCD:
- the donor must be 70½ years old or older
- the distribution must transfer directly from your IRA to a qualified charitable organization
- each individual in a married couple can donate up to $100,000 from individual IRA accounts
Note: the gift would not be eligible for a charitable income tax deduction
Please consult your tax adviser to determine if this charitable giving strategy is an option for you.
Sample Bulletin Announcement
Remember Your Parish in Your Will or Estate Plans: Please consider remembering INSERT PARISH NAME in your will or estate plans. Your gift will have a lasting impact on the life of the parish and future parishioners who call our parish home.
Sample Language for Will Bequest to Benefit a Parish
I hereby give, devise, and bequeath to Dennis M. Schnurr, Archbishop of Cincinnati, his successors in office, title, and trust, as such Archbishop, as Trustee for the use and benefit of the Congregation of INSERT NAME OF PARISH, INSERT CITY, Ohio (INSERT PARISH ADDRESS and EIN # HERE), the sum of ______ dollars (or state fraction, percentage, dollar amount or describe property).