Faithful citizenship

Our Eucharistic Mission in a Polarized World

For the 2024 election cycle – both the election year and the time that will follow – we have decided to lean into both our reliance on the Eucharist (especially in this year of the Eucharistic Congress) and our call to heal the deep divides that exist in our country and abroad. Our programming this year will all fall under the heading of “Our Eucharistic Mission in a Polarized World.” In addition to updating this webpage and iVoteCatholic with new and revised resources, we are partnering with other Pastoral Center offices and community allies to offer a powerful series with Fr. Aaron Wessman, GHM. This series will consist of six distinct talks – each focusing on a different challenge with polarization and how the Eucharist can address it – which will be held at different locations around the archdiocese as well as live streamed. Please see below for more information about the series, and we invite you to explore this page and iVoteCatholic to explore how you and your community can live out our call to be faithful citizens. 

Check out the Catholic Telegraph article about Fr. Aaron and his book. 

You can download (and share!) the flyer here.

View past recordings here.

Click here for June 25, 2024, workshop at
St. Charles, Carthagena

(Re)Launching iVoteCatholic

Join us to explore this important resource for parish leaders to help their parishioners form consciences for faithful citizenship, especially as we approach this fall’s general election.

We’ll walk through the iVoteCatholic website, show you how to utilize the resources in your social media, preaching, teaching, and other parish ministries.

If you’re looking to help your parishioners vote Catholic this fall, don’t miss this online launch for parish leaders: Family Directors of Communication, Evangelization and/or Worship, Love in Action Coordinators, evangelists, clergy, and other parish leaders.

We’re offering this 45 minute webinar twice: Tuesday, June 25, at 1:30pm and Monday, July 1, at 11:00am.


Click here to register for one of these events.


With another election cycle in full swing, we are faced with the difficult question of what it means to love our neighbors in the midst of such a divisive climate.  We are called to bring the best of ourselves and our faith to the public square – and yet today, many shy away from such involvement because our national and local conversations are filled with anger and harsh language, often directed at people themselves.  When personal attacks replace honest debate, no one wins.  This kind of attack, no matter the reason, only serves to further divide our communities.  As Catholics, we must model a better way.

Just before the 2020 national elections, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) launched a campaign inviting Catholics to model civility and love for neighbor throughout the election year. Civilize It: Dignity Beyond the Debate asks Catholics to pledge civility, clarity, and compassion in their families, communities, and parishes, and call on others to do so as well. Built on the recognition that every person—even those with whom we disagree—is a beloved child of God who possesses inherent dignity, the campaign offers materials and ideas to help Catholics and others of good will to engage in and model respect and compassion. Civilize It builds on our archdiocesan efforts in previous election years. 

Together with USCCB and dioceses around the country, we are utilizing Civilize It to help Catholics put our faith in action by honoring human dignity through civil conversation.

Campaign materials include a pledge, an examination of conscience that can be taken by individuals and communities, training on dialogue skills, resources for prayer and reflection including a pastoral aid and a prayer for civility, and more. More information on Civilize It as well as launch materials, resources, and other tools are available on

We will also be organizing events throughout the archdiocese to build energy around this important campaign. If your parish or community are interested in hosting such an event, please let us know.

Check Your Voter Registration!

If you are a newly eligible voter, or if you have not voted in recent years, or if you did not receive an application in the mail for absentee voting, you may want to check with the Ohio Secretary of State Office to be sure your registration is up-to-date. 

Faithful Citizenship Resources

    External Links

The Catholic Telegraph Article

Action Center

Catholic Social Teaching calls us to not only understand and deepen our faith but also to live our faith. Whether through advocacy, education, faith sharing, or public action, we all must practice our faith in our every word and deed. As James 2:17 says, “Faith without works is dead.” Please check back often to our Action Center for various ways that you and your community can speak out with compassion and solidarity for justice and peace.