MTSS: Taking Efficacy from Good to Great

An effective MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports) program has been proven to lead to a positive school environment, higher academic achievement, and reduced behavior interventions, but students cannot benefit from […]

Exploring Antisemitism in Christianity

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Made possible by the generous support of Eileen Ludwig Greenland, Echoes & Reflections is excited to continue its program for Catholic school educators with this learning opportunity focusing on contemporary […]

The School of Hope


Hope is not simply an emotion. Hope is a science. Hope is one of the most robust predictors of GPA, future academic attainment, and overall resiliency. Measuring and raising hope […]

Figuring Out Fluency: Beyond Basic Facts and Algorithms


Fluency is complex. Teaching it well is challenging. Teaching it equitably is non-negotiable. This session examines what procedural fluency is and what it isn't. It addresses myths, strategies, and assessment. […]

Figuring Out Fluency: Beyond Basic Facts and Algorithms

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Fluency is complex. Teaching it well is challenging. Teaching it equitably is non-negotiable. This session examines what procedural fluency is and what it isn't. It addresses myths, strategies, and assessment. […]

Move and Learn


Quick physical and mental activities are perfect for transitions and help learners re-focus and refresh. Join David Sladkey and Scott Miller for this exciting webinar to discover the surprising effects […]

Confronting the Crisis of Engagement


In order for learning, teaching, and leadership to succeed, relationships through effective engagement must come first. As the world continues to recover from the global pandemic, teachers and school leaders […]