English Learners: Culturally Responsive Practices

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This one-hour, online session shares ideas on how to make a school or classroom a safe and welcoming environment for English learners to succeed academically. We will examine culture and […]

Creating a Sense of Belonging though ‘Real Talk

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n this webinar, Dr. Paul Hernandez, author of The Pedagogy of Real Talk, will introduce the concept of ‘Real Talk’ as the action step needed in creating a sense of […]

Learning from Mistakes: Easier Said Than Done

Some of our students' most powerful learning comes from their mistakes, but are the choices we make as educators inadvertently shutting down the mistake-learning process in our classrooms? In this […]

Don’t Suspend Me!

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Inequities in school discipline remain a challenge nationwide. It's time that educators learned what actions they can take to create positive, meaningful long-term changes in behavior instead of suspending students […]

Don’t Suspend Me

Inequities in school discipline remain a challenge nationwide. It's time that educators learned what actions they can take to create positive, meaningful, long-term changes in behavior instead of suspending students […]

Middle Grade Teacher Virtual Book Club with Franki Sibberson

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Are you a teacher of grades 3-6 who loves to find new books for your students to enjoy? Join other middle grade teachers virtually to read and discuss children's books. […]

Reading Comprehension for English Learners

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What does reading comprehension mean for English learners? Do they need strategies or more background knowledge? This online session examines the unique needs of ELs and supports that help ELs […]