First Day to Test Day

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What you’ll learn during this workshop: Demystify the inference process in order to answer comprehension questions about complex texts. Attack questions with test-taking tips to support finding the “best” and […]


Life’s 5th Quarter

Holy Name Catholic Church 2448 Auburn Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio

The 5th Saturday of the month we will be offering up a Mass and Prayer Intentions for the women and workers at the Planned Parenthood Facility on Auburn Ave.  We […]


Saturday Pro-Life Mass & Prayer Vigil

Holy Name Catholic Church 2448 Auburn Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio

Mass at 8:00 a.m. every Saturday at Holy Name Church on Auburn Avenue, followed by prayer vigil in front of Planned Parenthood.  For more info, contact John Wendeln at 513-218-1938.

Launching the Writer’s Workshop Grades K-2

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A framework of lessons to help launch your writing year The first weeks of school can make or break your plans for leading an effective writer’s workshop. That’s why it’s […]

Launching the Writer’s Workshop

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What you’ll learn during this workshop: Understand the four phases of the workshop launch. Learn classroom-tested routines and procedures to establish the writing environment. Set the tone that writing occurs […]

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Workshop Details This workshop is perfect for: Grades 3-12 Teachers Literacy Coaches Literacy Coordinators Title I Teachers/Directors ELL Teachers High-Ability Teachers Administrators What you’ll learn during this workshop: Understand the […]


Saturday Pro-Life Mass & Prayer Vigil

Holy Name Catholic Church 2448 Auburn Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio

Mass at 8:00 a.m. every Saturday at Holy Name Church on Auburn Avenue, followed by prayer vigil in front of Planned Parenthood.  For more info, contact John Wendeln at 513-218-1938.

Leading Learning in the 2022-2023 School Year: Ready, Set, Go

Presented by Dr. David Schuler, Superintendent, High School District 214 (IL); Dr. Carol Kelley, Superintendent, Princeton Public Schools (NJ); and Mr. Matthew J. Miller, Superintendent, Lakota Local Schools (OH) Moderated […]