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Catholic Campaign for Human Development

The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD), founded in 1969, is the U.S. bishops’ social justice, anti-poverty campaign. On the weekend of November 15-16, 2025, the universal Church will hold its annual collection. When you support CCHD, you give hope to poor and low-income Americans struggling to build a better life.
Your CCHD Dollars are accomplishing wonderful things in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati!
Archbishop Dennis Schnurr appeals to the faithful this year: “Through the grants we make to well-vetted organizations, CCHD uniquely empowers those in poverty to identify their own needs and to become their own agents of positive change.”
Locally, CCHD operates out of the Catholic Social Action office. It is supported by an Archdiocesan CCHD Committee that consists of parishioners from across the archdiocese.
Groups within the Archdiocese of Cincinnati can apply for grants up to $10,000 through the Catholic Social Action Office and Archdiocesan CCHD Committee. Applications for this stream of funding are generally due in March of each year. The grant cycle runs from July 1 to June 30. It is recommended that new groups applying for funding discuss their proposal with the CCHD Director before applying. Please contact Catholic Social Action with any questions.
Just this past year, the agencies funded by CCHD have empowered over 7,300 low-income people to break the cycle of poverty through such feats such as promoting health initiatives for an underserved Latino community, developing a neighborhood food council, creating a program to support women recovering from substance abuse, mental health disorders, and sexual trauma, and developing community leadership.
Ten (10) agencies in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati received 2024-2025 CCHD local grants: Brick Gardens Foundation (Cincinnati), BYE Institute (Cincinnati), Churches Active in Northside (CAIN) (Cincinnati), Community Matters (Cincinnati), Drive to Thrive (Cincinnati), El Puente Educational Center (Dayton), FAIR Housing (Cincinnati), Oasis House (Dayton), Society of St. Vincent de Paul (Springfield), and St. Leo the Great (Cincinnati).
Click here for more information.
Two (2) agencies in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati received 2024 CCHD national grants: Communities United for Action and Leaders for Equality and Action in Dayton (LEAD).
In addition to our traditional annual grants, we also make available small grants (typically $2000 and below) for nonprofit organizations for opportunities that arise that require smaller but more immediate support. Like the traditional grants, this funding is intended to support projects that address the root cause of poverty (as opposed to direct service, charitable needs). If you are interested, please contact our office.
CCHD has been an immeasurable blessing for thousands in our Archdiocese over the years. Your contribution supports self-help programs that give community members the chance they need to become self-sufficient. Please help make more good news possible! Please prayerfully and generously consider how you will give.
Appeal Weekend: November 8-9, 2025
Collection Weekend: November 15-16, 2025
Each year, our office sponsors an internship to work with our office and local CCHD committee, engaging in work both for CCHD and other social justice issues that might be of interest and connect with the work of CCHD. It is a paid internship that runs during the school year, from September to May. Please reach out to our office with any questions or if you’re interested in applying. The deadline to apply is the first Friday in April.

CCHD Resources
Internal Links
- Archbishop Schnurr’s Appeal Letter
- 2025-2026 Local CCHD Application Form
- 2024-2025 Local CCHD Mid-year Report form
- 2023-2024 Local CCHD End of Year Report form.
- Helpful Hints for Completing the application for funding.
- Criteria and Guidelines
- CCHD general information
- National CCHD promotional materials
- ‘Creating on the Margins’ youth art contest
- Basic Principles for Funding
Articles from The Catholic Telegraph

Action Center
Catholic Social Teaching calls us to not only understand and deepen our faith but also to live our faith. Whether through advocacy, education, faith sharing, or public action, we all must practice our faith in our every word and deed. As James 2:17 says, “Faith without works is dead.” Please check back often to our Action Center for various ways that you and your community can speak out with compassion and solidarity for justice and peace.