The Archdiocese of Cincinnati Archives are open to all archdiocesan administrative offices, pastors and parishes, and to qualified researchers. The archives are not open to those engaged in genealogical studies or family research; please visit the Genealogy section of this website.
All researchers are required to schedule an appointment before coming to the archives and must submit a completed research request form. We are open by appointment only, Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. To schedule an appointment and discuss your research project, please call, email, or click the button below.

School Records

The Archdiocesan Archives contains records of the closed Catholic schools within the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Due to issues of privacy, student records after 1940 can only be requested by the student. To obtain a copy of your school record, please fill out and submit the Student Record Request Form and email the completed form along with a copy of your photo identification.
Policies & Procedures
The Archdiocese of Cincinnati is not a public institution, therefore, the records of the archdiocese are not public records. However, the Archdiocese of Cincinnati Archives encourages the use of records which would promote the history of the archdiocese. Certain records are not open for research due to restrictions set forth by state, federal and canon law. While some collections are completely closed to outside research, most are open with limited restrictions or no restrictions at all.
The archives’ services are available to all archdiocesan administrative offices, pastors and parish officials, and to qualified researchers doing scholarly research. Researchers must schedule an appointment to visit the archives and discuss with the archivist his or her research prior to arrival.
All collections of materials more recent than 30 years should be considered closed. However, some of these records could be accessed by permission of the archivist. Unprocessed records are not open for research until the archivist has reviewed the records and created a finding aid. Please note that the physical condition of the records may dictate access restrictions.
Sacramental records document the faith life of the parish through the administration of the sacraments on the faithful and may contain confidential information. The Chancery of the Archdiocese only holds the sacramental records of closed parishes whose records were not taken in by other parishes at the time of closure. Open parishes maintain their own registers. Sacramental certificates are available only to the participant in the sacrament. Only the participant in the sacrament can request his/her own record.
For security reasons, building plans and specifications are only available to the creating institution, contractors doing work on the facility with permission of the pastor or head of school, or researchers with permission to view plans.
- Upon your first visit, researchers must fill out a Reading Room Registration Form and present photo identification.
- No food or drink is allowed in the reading room.
- Personal items, such as coats, bags, purses and briefcases, are not allowed near the records. A place to store your personal items is provided.
- Notebooks, laptop computers, tablets and cameras are allowed in the reading room. Photography taken by researchers may only be used for personal reference and research purposes.
- Only pencils may be used when working in the reading room. Pens are not allowed.
- Archival materials must be handled with care. Materials should be placed flat on the table or on provided material stands. Researchers should not lean on, write on, prop up, or fold materials. Surfaces of photographic prints should never be touched.
- The existing order of all materials must be maintained. If you believe materials are out of order, please notify the archivist and do not rearrange materials yourself.
- Photocopies are available when documents can be copied without damage; the photocopying of unique, fragile, and oversize items may not be permitted. Photocopies and reproductions are made solely for the purpose of private study, scholarship, or research. Photocopying will be completed as time allows and there is no guarantee that copying will be completed during the researcher’s visit.
- Responsibility for obtaining copyright permission is vested in the researcher.
- Permission to published material held in the Archdiocesan Archives must be requested and granted prior to publication.
There is no self-service scanning or photocopying in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati Archives. Scanning will be completed in-house by the Archives staff as time permits. Materials will be scanned as PDFs and JPGs and emailed to the patron. Physical photocopies can be provided on request.
The Archives reserves the right to restrict the copying of entire series of records, of records in fragile physical condition, or materials protected by U.S. Copyright Law.
Reproductions of materials from the Office of Archives and Records are intended solely for the individual consultation of the researcher, and are the property of the Archives. Reproductions are not to be deposited in any other library or repository.
Access to collections in the Archives, including reproductions for research purposes or materials found on the web, does not confer the rights to publish, reproduce or disseminate publicly material subject to copyright.
Researchers must receive permission to publish from records in the archives by submitting a Permissions to Publish Form. In authorizing the reproduction of works in its collection, the Archdiocese of Cincinnati retains its copyright and its ability to grant permission to others. The applicant assumes all responsibility for questions of copyright.
“Publication” includes print or electronic/digital, including web publication, film or microfilm. Unless stipulated otherwise, publication permission is for one-time, non-exclusive use, and requires appropriate citation for the material published.
Proper acknowledgement or credit must be given to the Archdiocese of Cincinnati Archives for all material used. Published citations should take the following form: Identification of item, date (if known); collection title, collection number; box number, folder number (or title). Archdiocese of Cincinnati Archives.
- As a courtesy, it is asked that one copy of the publication or work be given to the the Archives.
The Archdiocese of Cincinnati Archives holds the records of many closed schools, but not all. Please contact the Archives for a list of our school records.
Due to issues of privacy, student records after 1940 can only be requested by:
- The person named in the record (if over age 18 or an emancipated minor)
- A parent or legal guardian of the person named in the record (if under age 18 or incapacitated)
- Other parties as designated in writing by person a or b above
- Other parties as designated by court order, subpoena, summons, or statute

Contact Us
General Inquiries
The Archives of the Chancery
100 E. 8th Street, Cincinnati OH 45202