Retirement Fund for Religious

The annual appeal for the Retirement Fund for Religious is taken up each December in most U.S. Catholic parishes and helps hundreds of religious communities provide for the current and future needs of senior members. In good times and bad, senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests have served our Church and world.

  • For most of their lives, elder religious worked for little to no pay. There were no 401(k) plans or pensions.

Many religious communities do not have enough retirement savings and struggle to provide for aging members. Your gift helps provide medications, nursing care, and more. Please be generous.

Even a small gift will make a difference!

You may donate by mail at:

Archdiocese of Cincinnati
Office for Consecrated Life
Attn. Maria Reinagel
100 E. 8th Street
Cincinnati, OH 45202

Checks payable to the Archdiocese of Cincinnati/RFR

Make your donation now:

We invite you to make your donation online with our secure online form.

In your parish:

During your parish’s collection on December 7 & 8 or drop off your donation to your parish any time during the month of December.

Across the United States, hundreds of religious communities lack financial resources sufficient to meet the retirement and health-care needs of aging members.

  • Lack of Funds

    Many elder religious worked for years for small stipends, leaving a large gap in retirement savings. At the same time, fewer religious are able to serve in compensated ministry.

  • Rising Costs

    Like many Americans, religious communities face the monumental challenge of funding eldercare.

  • Changing Demographics

    Today, retired religious outnumber wage-earners by nearly three to one.