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October Count
2024 Submission
The annual October Count tabulation for all churches within the Family of Parishes and institutions where regular weekend Masses are celebrated begins the weekend of October 5. As a reminder, all regular scheduled Masses that fulfill the precept should be included as well as all special Masses that occur between 3:00 p.m. Saturday and midnight Sunday.
Click below to access the instructions and the online form. Please SUBMIT the completed form by Friday, November 8, 2024.
NOTE: As was requested last year the form is to be completed online. For your convenience, a worksheet is available as well to help keep track of your weekly count. If you have questions, please contact the Center for Parish Vitality
Frequently Asked Questions
Conduct an actual count of attendance for all Masses during the four full weekends in October. Be as accurate as possible, counting each person, both adults and children.
You should include:
- Regular scheduled Masses that fulfill the precept.
- All special Masses that occur between 3:00 p.m. Saturday and midnight Sunday. Identify type of Mass, e.g., wedding, name of special group or event.
Counts should only include those PRESENT in the Mass and NOT those watching online or persons providing ministry outside the Mass such as Sacramental Preparation, etc.
No. You must submit the information for each church individually, even if they are in the same family of parishes.
Please note factors which may have affected attendance on a particular weekend.
Seating Capacity
The Center for Parish Vitality is asking that you now use 27” to measure seating capacity for pews. This may be seen as generous but likely represents the reality of what we see used at each Mass. For those churches using chairs you would count the chairs set out.
When considering parishioners per pew we might have used 18” or 22” in the past but we can see that our parishioners regularly use more space than that today.
We all have arms and elbows to consider. Other factors also play into the additional space needed such as items for babies and young children, security sensitivity regarding purses and personal items no longer placed on the floor or under pews, not to mention coats etc.
Small adjustments of this type can have a significant effect on the capacity number and result in a change to the facility utilization.
If we consider other venues and situations, we see that stadiums are using 24” for their bleachers. Interlocking chairs might have seating dimensions ranging from 18.5” to up to 27” wide based on the brand and type.
Even our office chairs range (based on how they are constructed) from 24” to 27” from the outside of one arm rest to the outside of the other armrest.
As a rule, the Fire Department provides the occupancy number which is a calculation of space per person, available exits, and other structural characteristics. These occupancy numbers could be larger than what your parish seating provides.
To determine if you need to update your seating capacity, refer to the guidance outlined here.
If you’ve made any seating changes during the year, you can report the new capacity number to the Archdiocese Chancery Office. You can also provide your update when you submit your annual October Mass counts.
If the updated seating capacity number is larger than the Fire Department occupancy number, use the Fire Department occupancy number. We cannot legally exceed this number.
At the time of reporting your October Counts include your seating capacity in the provided box either on the online form or form you download and mail in. Over the year if changes occur to your capacity or Mass schedule this information can be sent to the Chancery Office.