Divine Worship and Sacraments

The Office for Divine Worship and Sacraments (ODWS) assists the Archbishop in his role as “high priest of the flock”, supporting the Church of Cincinnati in celebrating the sacraments and other celebrations of divine worship. “Christ is always present in his Church, especially in her liturgical celebrations.”
The ODWS aims to:
- Provide formation opportunities for parishes, schools, and institutions within the archdiocese to enable the faithful to better participate in the sacramental life of the Church (workshops, conferences, consultation, online and print resources).
- Assist the Archbishop in making policies and norms regarding liturgical and sacramental ministry in the archdiocese.
- Facilitate archdiocesan celebrations of divine worship and sacraments (e.g. Rite of Election, Chrism Mass, Catholic Schools Mass, etc.)

St. John the Evangelist,
9080 Cincinnati Dayton Rd
West Chester Twp., OH 45069 United States
+ Google MapWest Chester Twp., OH 45069 United States
St. John the Baptist (Tipp City),
753 S. Hyatt St.
Tipp City, OH 45371
+ Google MapTipp City, OH 45371

You can now shop the ODWS online. Parishes, schools, and other non-profits can shop tax-free for all ODWS publications and other useful resources for liturgical and sacramental ministries. In addition to our workbooks for engaged couples preparing a wedding liturgy, for families preparing the funeral liturgy of a loved one, and for extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, you can also find a variety of other resources.
Quantity discounts available for parish purchases.


Jeremy Helmes
ODWS Director
Matthew Geerlings
Music Director
Gloria Ann Castleman
Administrative Assistant
Contact THE ODWS