Respect Life Fund

In 1973, on the recommendation of the Archdiocesan Pastoral Council, an annual collection was established to provide financial support to over 100 life giving and life sustaining organizations located within 19 counties of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. The collection is held in October in our Catholic parishes. All monies collected are forwarded to the Chancery Office and designated for the Respect-Life Collection. A small portion of these funds assist in sustaining the Respect Life programs of the Archdiocese, and the balance is designated for Respect-Life Grants. Applications are evaluated by the Respect-Life Grant Committee, facilitated by the Director of the Office for Respect Life Ministries. Recommendations are provided to the Archbishop for his final approval. Funds are disbursed in January of the following year.
The Respect Life Fund provides resources to Pro-Life organizations that support the dignity of all human life at every stage. These organizations care for the most vulnerable among us from the unborn, to the imprisoned, to the mourning, to the single parents. Many lives are touched and changed due to generous support of life here in Southwest Ohio. Curious to see how the Respect Life Fund impacts the lives of our community? CLICK HERE to view video testimonials.
General Guidelines
Organizations must meet the following criteria: non-profit, Respect-Life, not anti-Catholic and located within the 19 counties served by the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Respect-Life funds are available for application by meeting one of the following conditions:
- To provide seed money for new projects and/or programs.
- To support programs that will have a significant effect in the formation of Respect-Life attitudes.
- To support programs which provide positive assistance in helping individuals make informed Respect-Life decisions.
Specific Guidelines
- Only one application per organization will be accepted for consideration.
- The Respect-Life Fund has been established to provide financial support for specific Respect-Life Programs and not to simply provide support for an organization. Therefore, applications may not be submitted for ordinary administrative expense (i.e. salaries, rent, etc).
- Funds may not be used for speakers or political purposes.
- Grants are to be used only for the designated program/project. Â If the program/project fails to materialize within the designated year, funds granted must be returned to the Office for Respect Life Ministries.
Respect Life Grant Recipients 2022-2023

There are several ways to contribute to this fund that enables so many organizations to promote life across the Archdiocese. Your financial assistance is truly appreciated as we work towards a world in which all life is held sacred, and all people are shown the loving compassion of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
- 1.  Donate Online through our safe and secure automated donation system.
2. Â Check or Cash Donations to be addressed to:
Please make checks payable to The Respect Life Fund.
3. The Respect Life Sunday Collection: All Archdiocesan Parishes take up a collection for the Respect Life Fund on the first Sunday in October every year. The next collection will be October 5&6, 2024. Feel free to contribute through your Parish’s Weekend Collection. If you parish does not take up a collection, please donate with one of the methods above.

Thank you for your interest in supporting a Respect Life Culture here within the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. By donating to the Respect Life Fund, you are helping local organizations within the community. The more contributions that are made, the more funding we can distribute. A small portion of the funds are used to sustain Respect Life programming for Archdiocese such as Project Rachel, and the remainder are distributed through grants to organizations across the Archdiocese that promote life in a variety of different ways. If you are interested in learning more about these organizations- CLICK HERE.


Please help us to extend works of mercy throughout the Archdiocese of Cincinnati by promoting participation in the Archdiocesan Respect Life collection on October 5 & 6, 2024. All parishes are encouraged to participate in both the celebration of Respect Life Sunday and the Respect Life Collection that provides funds for so many wonderful organizations throughout our communities. Respect Life Packets are mailed out each August from the USCCB and are distributed to all the Parish Respect Life Coordinators and pastors. These packets are filled with advertising resources, bulletin inserts, prayer intercessions, homily suggestions, and ideas for how to spread the Gospel of Life throughout the entire year. A sample of the downloadable resources are available below. You can also access digital copies of ALL of the resources on the USCCB Website.
Sample Bulletin Announcement – pdf
Sample Bulletin Announcement – word
Please download the application. The deadline for applications is November 18, 2024. You can simply fill it out on your computer, save the document (please title it with the name of your organization), email it to us at [email protected] or print and mail to:
Respect Life Office Archdiocese of Cincinnati
100 E. Eighth Street
Cincinnati, OHÂ 45202