Breaking the Stigma

In the spring I met with our newly formed Mental Wellness pilot teams, and I asked them why the Lord was calling them into this mission.  We talked about our “why” and what was truly propelling each person to be part of something so important for the Catholic Church.  Some of the team members responded that they were there because they had mental illness, cared for loved ones with mental illness, knew how important it was to break the stigma of mental illness, had loved ones die by suicide, or worked in the professional field and wanted to evangelize to all.  Mental Illness does not discriminate by class, race, religion, etc.  Mental Illness has been the unspoken illness for so many due to the stigma that comes with a diagnosis of an anxiety disorder, mood disorder, eating disorder, bi-polar disorder, and schizophrenia, to name a few.  When someone is diagnosed with diabetes, cancer, or arthritis, families and friends show support by their care, concern, and prayers for healing.  Mental Illness has been misunderstood for so many years.   According to a study by Clement et al. (2015), stigma was associated with an increased likelihood of delaying or avoiding seeking help for mental health concerns [8]. Consequently, symptoms may worsen over time, escalating the condition’s severity and making treatment and prospective recovery more challenging.  As a Mental Health First Aider, I find myself constantly reminding others that recovery is possible, but we must break the stigma so our brothers and sisters can find hope and healing through our words and actions.

Mental Wellness Ministry is an outreach ministry that follows the steps of Missionary Discipleship to walk with persons experiencing mental health challenges and to create a faith community free from the stigma that is often associated with mental illness.

I encourage everyone to advocate, serve, and accompany all members of our community and create a culture of BELONGING for all.

Lisa Averion, [email protected]


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