Respect Life Coordinator Resources October 2024

RL Resources: October 2024

This section is dedicated to providing seasonal resources for Parish Respect Life Coordinators If there is a resource that you believe would be useful to include, please contact us at [email protected].

1 | Word of Life

The month’s WORD OF LIFE features Respect Life Month resources, such as the out the USCCB RESPECT LIFE MONTH RESOURCE PAGE, which contains intercessory prayers for all of October, homily helps for your pastor and a sample activity. As always, it includes bulletin quotes and images, and intercessions for life to be used each Sunday at your parish.  There is also a SPANISH VERSION available.


2 | Respect Life Month Action Guide 

Check out the USCCB RESPECT LIFE MONTH RESOURCE PAGE.  On it you will find the Action Guide which contains sample bulletin announcements leading up to Respect LIfe Sunday, intercessory prayers for all of October, homily helps for your pastor and a sample activity. Also, check out the RESPECT LIFE STORE, where you can download for free or order printed materials as bulletin inserts to utilize throughout the month of October on different topics like Abortion, Capital Punishment and Reproductive Technology.  If you missed it live last month, watch the one-hour WEBINAR to explain how to find all the resources.


3 | Respect Life Fund Collection

Parishes all across our archdiocese will be having a collection for the Respect Life Fund during Respect Life Sunday. First, please remind your pastor of this special annual collection on the weekend of October 5th and 6th. If you have the means at your parish, share or show our RESPECT LIFE FUND VIDEO as well.  This money goes to support the work of pro-life agencies like Pregnancy Care Centers right here in this Archdiocese, as well as our post-abortion ministry. For those who prefer (or for parishes where the collection is not happening) you may also put in your bulletin that you can give online HERE. Thank you for your generosity!


4 | 40 Days for Life Signup

As we stand on the precipice of a major election after losing the Issue One campaign last year, it is more important than ever that we join this 40 days campaign and lend our witness to the Gospel of Life. St. Teresa of Avila said “Christ has no hands but yours”.  If we do not do this work, no one will. If you have never prayed outside of an abortion clinic before, I invite you to listen to the words of Saint John Paul II and “be not afraid!” Grab a friend and join them on the sidewalk. Christ will be there with you. Prayer is our best weapon in the battle to end abortion, so please, sign up for a local vigil here: WWW.40DAYSFORLIFE.

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