Survivors of Suicide Loss Mass

Our Lady of Hope and St. Gregory the Great Family of Parishes kicked off Mental Wellness Ministry in May for Mental Health Awareness Month.  On May 5th, Our Lady of Hope Mental Wellness Ministry Team hosted a Survivors of Suicide Loss Mass.  The Mass was celebrated by Fr. Craig Best and Deacon David Shea.  Deacon David reminded us… as we fix our eyes on Jesus, the Good Shepherd, and receive the incredible gift of himself in our Eucharist, trusting in his great love and mercy. If we can do that, we can celebrate the gifts our loved ones shared with us in their short lives. Following the Mass, members of the community gathered in the parish center for refreshments and fellowship.

St. Gregory the Great Family of Parishes hosted a St. Dymphna, patron saint for mental illness, Mass on May 15th.  Fr. Alex Biryomumeisho and Fr. Michael Barton concelebrated. Several from the community attended the Mass including first- and second-year seminarians. It was a beautiful evening to join together to kick off Mental Wellness Ministry and work together to break the stigma of Mental Illness.

The pilot Mental Wellness Ministry Teams meet monthly to plan and organize events.  If you are a member of Our Lady of Hope or St. Gregory the Great Family of parishes, please email Lisa Averion, [email protected] to learn more.

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