Prescription Drugs

Effective July 1, 2025

The administration of the prescription drug program will transition away from OptumRX to Anthem/CarelonRX.  Please note that CarelonRx, the pharmacy division of Anthem, will be referenced alongside Anthem throughout the transition.

To meet its fiduciary responsibility to the Health Plan, the Archdiocese of Cincinnati (AOC) benefits department issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) to potential pharmacy program administrators. Following a thorough review, it was determined that Anthem/CarelonRX is the best choice to manage our pharmacy benefit, offering the most cost-effective and clinically beneficial options, along with the best outcomes for members.

The benefit and copay structure of the pharmacy plan will remain unchanged.  However, there will be adjustments to the list of covered drugs which may move some medications to a different tier. For a majority of members this will result in a lower copay.  If any of your prescriptions are impacted by these changes, you will be notified directly by Anthem or your pharmacy.

Major regional retail pharmacies used by our members are a part of the Anthem network so you can continue to go to the pharmacy of your choice.  Members taking specialty medications will transition to Anthem’s Specialty Pharmacy, BioPlus, and members using Home Delivery will have access to CarelonRx home delivery.

Starting in mid-April, you will begin receiving ongoing detailed communications from the AOC benefits department and Anthem.

In the meantime, we’d like to share some key information:

  • You will be able to access both your medical and pharmacy benefit information on the same platform via or the FREE Sidney Mobile App on your smartphone.
  • Your medical and pharmacy benefit will be combined into one card under Anthem.
  • All enrolled members will receive a new ID card before July 1, 2025.

Prior to July 1, 2025

The Archdiocese of Cincinnati prescription drug benefit is administered through OptumRx, it is separate from the Anthem medical benefit
and is accessed using an OptumRx ID card.

The Archdiocese of Cincinnati prescription drug benefit features the OptumRx Value Network.  This Value Network is composed of approximately 35,000 retail pharmacy locations including Walgreens, Kroger, Meijer, Rite Aid & Walmart.  Prescriptions should be filled at one of the pharmacies in the Value Network.   Learn more

Note: Retail 90 day prescriptions may only be filled at Kroger pharmacies.

Real Appeal - Weight Loss Program

Real Appeal is a program available to you at no additional cost.

Make the change you’ve always wanted.   With Real Appeal, you’ll learn ways to:

  • Eat Healthier

  • Stay Active

  • Fit healthy choices into your lifestyle

  • Stay motivated and energized

  • Develop lasting, health habits

Learn more…

Get started today at – you will need your OptumRx ID card when enrolling. 

Creditable Coverage Notice

The Archdiocese of Cincinnati Health Plan has determined that the prescription drug coverage offered by OptumRx is, on average for all plan participants, expected to pay out as much as standard Medicare prescription drug coverage pays and is therefore considered Creditable Coverage.

Download the Certificate of Creditable Coverage for Prescription Drug Notice

Generic Drugs

Generic drugs must be dispensed when available. If member prefers to obtain the non-formulary brand product, member will pay generic copay PLUS the difference in cost between the brand and the generic product.  

If there is medical justification for the use of brand vs. generic, the physician may call in a request for prior authorization to be reviewed by the Prior Authorization department.

Formulary brand refers to drugs that are not yet available as a generic.Non-formulary brand refers to the brand product for drugs that are available as a generic.

Learn More

Lost Prescription Drug ID Card

If you lose your OptumRx ID card, you can request a new one and print out a temporary ID card online by registering at OptumRx or by calling OptumRX customer service at 800.797.9791.


OptumRx App

The OptumRx App makes the online pharmacy experience as simple as possible.  You can easily:
Refill or renew a home delivery prescriptionTransfer a retail prescription to home deliveryFind drug prices and lower-cost optionsView your prescription claim history or order statusLocate a pharmacyAccess your ID cardSet up refill remindersTrack your order

Learn how to use the OptumRx App

OptumRx Website

Register on OptumRx website to:

View your claim history

Check status of mail orders

Find network retail pharmacies

Search generic and meds

Refill scripts through mail service pharmacy

Request replacement ID Card

Prior Authorization

Your prescription drug plan requires prior authorization on certain medications. Prior authorization helps ensure select medications are prescribed according to FDA guidelines. If you are prescribed one of the medications that require prior authorization, you will be notified after you fill your first prescription. At that time, if you wish to keep using your medication, it must be pre-approved before your benefit plan will continue to cover it.

Prior Authorization Process

Your doctor can start the prior authorization review process by contacting the OptumRx Prior Authorization department at 1.800.711.4555. A pharmacy technician then works with your doctor to get the information needed for the review. Once OptumRx receives a completed prior authorization form from your doctor, they will conduct a detailed clinical review within three business days. OptumRx will then send you and your doctor a letter regarding the prior authorization decision.

Important: The information needed for the prior authorization review must be submitted to OptumRx by your doctor.

Specialty Pharmacy

If you are prescribed specialty drugs the Optum Specialty Pharmacy will be your specialty pharmacy. This specialty pharmacy partner will do more than just fill your prescriptions. You and your prescriber will be assigned a team to support you throughout the course of your specialty medication therapy.

To help you take full advantage of your enhanced specialty pharmacy program please note:

Whether your specialty medication is oral or injectable, or your caregiver, doctor, or you administer it, Optum Specialty Pharmacy can deliver your order to your physician’s office or to your home. Shipping is at no charge to you.

Your plan will cover up to a 30-day supply of your specialty medications at your plan’s copayment for a 30-day supply of specialty medications.

If you have questions, please contact Customer Service at 1.800.797.9791.

Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC)

The Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) document shows you how you and the plan share the cost of covered pharmacy services.

Download/Review the 2024-2025 SBC document

Value Pharmacy Network

The OptumRx Value Pharmacy Network lets you fill prescriptions at thousands of retail pharmacies nationwide.   That way you are assured of finding a pharmacy close to home or work.

The Value Pharmacy network has more than 35,000 participating pharmacies.  Major drug store chains, mass retailers and supermarkets make up a large part of the Value Network.  Here are a few of the popular chains in the network:

Major drug stores including Walgreens and Rite Aid Mass retailers including WalmartSupermarkers including Kroger and Meijer

The Value Network also includes OptumRx home delivery, which allows you to get 90-day supplies of your medications delivered to your home, with free standard shipping.

However, some pharmacies such as CVS and Costco are not in the Value Network.  

What happens if I try to fill a prescription at a non-value network pharmacy?
Non-network claims will be denied and you may have to pay the full retail price for your medication.  To take advantage of your prescription drug benefit, transfer your prescriptions to a participating Value Network pharmacy.

Find a Value Network pharmacy near you:
You have three ways to quickly and easily find a nearby Value Network pharmacy:

Use the online Locate a Pharmacy tool at

Contact OptumRx Customer Service by calling the toll-free number: 1.800.797.9791Download the OptumRx App to search on your smartphone or tablet

How do you transfer prescriptions to a Value Network pharmacy?
Transferring prescriptions to a new pharmacy is easy.  Simply provide your medication bottle or prescription information to your new pharmacy. The pharmacy will either transfer any refill(s) on your current prescription or get a new prescription for you by contacting your doctor. 

If you have questions, please call the customer service number:  1.800.797.9791


Direct Questions to:


Customer Service

Bill Maly

Director of Benefits

Chery Engel

Benefits Administrative Analyst